Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Quibids How to Research an Auction

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 Quibids How to Research an Auction

Quibids Research Steps

Quibids Pre Auction Research

1. Check the retail cost, with actual cost you can find online to see if the buy it now feature will be in your best interest.
2. Add all of the auctions for that item to your item watch list.
3. Check other resources like data bases to help you find the best time and day to go for the item.(Try Bidcentz.com)
4. Find the highest average ending price, the average ending cost and the lowest average ending cost. (Try QuibidsReport.com)
5. Figure out the most realistic price range the auction will end at based off of price averages, time and day info.
6. Add top winners to your avoid list (Only for Bidfellow users).
7. Create a final price budget and bid budget (Don't forget to calculate in shipping. It can be found at the bottom of the auction page).
8. Create a strategy or plan of attack based on your finding.

During the auction Research

1. Start monitoring the auction from the very beginning or at least 5 min before ever placing a bid.
2. Do not bid unless it has reached the selected price range from your research or strategy.
3. Add power bidders in the auction to your avoid list (Bidfellow software users).
4. Watch for drops in auction activity (easy if you have bidfellows software).
5. Keep track of how many bids each user has placed (Easy if you have bidfellows software).

6. Consider the bidding styles of people you will bid against later on in the auction.
7. Try Predicting who will bid next to see how well you understand your competition.
8. Consider checking the Quibids Chat on this site to see if others are bidding on the same item.
9. Check out you competition on data bases (easy if using BidProApp).

Check out these free eBooks for how to win on quibids




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