Saturday, January 26, 2013

Quibids Hack Free Bids?

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Quibids Hack Free Bids

I came across some people claiming to have hacked Quibids. This was followed up with how easy it was to get free bids with a hacked account and all you had to do was download the hacking software and then create a new hacked account. The kicker was you had to use there special hacked referral link to sign up for your hacked account.

I would personaly like to thump everone in the head that signed up. There is no hack! You were being fooled into signing up with Quibids under there refferel code giving them 25 free bids everytime someone used there refferal link to create a new account. As for the hacking software after a little snooping I found out that it was a useless dos based window that didnt do anything.

This scam was really big on YouTube and the owner did a great job of spinning the comments below his video to make it even more realistic. "Great Video It Works great!" and so on and when real users started complaining he would post a comment saying "The hack server was down that it would be back up soon."

Wile this isnt the first scam a referral whore has tryed it most definitely will not the last. So be warry of anyone who promises impossible solutions that require the use of you signing up with there referral code. Be warned a referral can be well hidden. Just assume that when anybody wants you to use a link they have posted it probably has some kind of referral code or affiliate code.

If your going to use someones referral code you should use one of your personal friends or someone that really helped you out. Example there are a lots of honest YouTubers that clearly tell you what there referral code does and give you great advise, tips, and tricks. Use one of there referral codes rather then someones who is trying to lie and cheat to get you to use it.

I hope this helps please leave a comment below

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1 comment:

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