Friday, February 1, 2013

Game Theory and Quibids

Game Theory and Quibids

If you want to win on Quibids or really any penny auction you will benefit from understanding game theory.

So What is Game Theory - First I must explain that Game theory is a blanket term that covers a lot of ground in many different subjects. As are main focus is Quibids and other penny auction sites we will be looking at non cooperative game theory. Non cooperative game theory deals largely with how intelligent individuals interact with one another in an effort to achieve their own goals but there ability to achieving that goal is directly connected to there competition who also wants to achieve there own goal.

Penny Auctions are a great example of non cooperative game theory so we will use it as the example here.

Here is the game

There are 5 people that want to win the new Ipad.
Each person only has one opportunity to place one bid
The auction will last only 10 sec but if a bid is placed the auction timer will reset to 10 sec
If the timer runs out the last person who placed a bid wins the Ipad.

This creates two dilemma. If you place a bid you will be out of bids and if any one out bids you you will lose. But if you try to wait and see if anyone else bids there is the chance everyone might be doing the same thing and the auction might end anyways and you will lose. So what do you do?

This dilemma is the heart and soul of penny auctions like Quibids. The difference  between this game and the real auctions on Quibids is that everyone will have different amounts of bids and the number of players are not set and can change though out the auction.

In the real version of Quibids

What are the goals?

To win the auction
To use as few bids as possible or to not run out of bids

What are the unknown variables

Whether or not some one will bid against your bid.
Whether or not some one will bid against your competitors bids.
How many bids each person has.
How many people are playing.

What you do know to be true?

If the timer runs out with out you as the top bidder you lose
How many bids you are willing to use.

The two dilemmas I talk about above can be broken down in Game theory as  the Prisoners Dilemma and the Volunteers Dilemma. I will be writing an explanation of both in a future post here at and will add links to this page when I do.

So the question is how can we take these social dilemmas into account in order to create better strategies for winning on penny auctions.

What are your thoughts? Please comment below!!!


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Thursday, January 31, 2013

BeeZid Pro Review

Penny Auction Bidding Software

BeeZid Pro Review

What is Beezid Pro?

Beezid pro is a product created by Jason Cooper out of Indiana, and its’ main goal and focus is to provide the bidder with the most information possible in aiding towards a win on any desired auction. Will this guarantee a win every single time? No absolutely not, and it depends on a variety of factors which we will get to in a minute.

How does Beezid Pro work?

The concept is simple, launch beezid pro, find a desired product on beezid, and analyze the data supplied to you by Jason’s product. The data supplied is simple and to the point, so you won’t get a bunch of numbers that don’t make sense. It’s conveniently assembled into columns that are essential to winning that auction.
It will gather data on the latest bidders and break it down to: How many bids each individual user has placed, the auctions they’re bidding on, past losses, past wins, and much much more.

Beezid Pro Screen Shot

Does Beezid Pro work?

I started testing this product as soon as I heard about, I’ve been bidding at beezid for quite sometime and compared to other well known auctions such as swoopo, beezid and beezid pro are both relatively new. The good thing about it is that Beezid Pro is brought to us by the same team that gave us the Swoopo Manual and Swoopo Analytics. Mathew Fox (maker of Swoopo Manual) has joined forces with Jason Cooper to roll out the ultimate analytics tool.
Don’t get me wrong I’ve won auctions at beezid without the use of Beezid Pro, however I’ve had much better luck ever since I started using it. It’s sort of like going from a regular cellular phone to a PDA, and all of you know that once you’ve had your taste of the iPhone or Blackberry it’s a bit hard to go back. The reason for that is the same as Beezid Pro, you simply have too much information at your fingertips.
To put it simply, Beezid Pro is so simple to use that YES it does work.

What Beezid Pro does for you

I’ve been a beezid user for a while now and if you’re a beginner then Beezid Pro is definitely for you. It really doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie to the game, the concept is easy to grasp and it will take a little bit of experience to get a feel for it, especially analyzing the data.

The Bad Stuff

Everything isn’t perfect and even an iPhone has it’s flaws. So I’ll list them clearly so you can decide if this is right for you.
  • A little knowledge of Beezid is needed - You have to know how much is going in and out, although Beezid Pro will track the # of bids and calculate the total amount spent for you. It’s still good to know how much you’re paying per bid.
  • Spotting the pros can be tricky - Once you start spying your first auction don’t start bidding right away, look at the clock to see if this auction just began, because you might mistake a user for a newbie based on the amount of bids they have placed, however this may not be the case because the auction might have just started.
  • Beezid Pro will not get you more bids- Will it help you win? Yes. Does it give you more bids? No. The software doesn’t insert bids into your account, however it will help you use those bids wisely and you will use less of them. It saves tons of guess work but unfortunately does not get you bids.
  • Price – When it first hit the market the price was a steal at $15, now as it’s increasing popularity the price is slightly more at $27 (which is still amazing considering how many bids it will save you)

The Good Stuff

  • It’s easy to use- There aren’t any difficult installation instructions and is really easy to use. If I can do it, you can do it.
  • You don’t need anything else- You won’t need any additional products, no need for spread sheets or special browsers.
  • It works- Let’s face it the key here is to get the best deal possible, you do this by staying away from the pros and auctions with a ton of bidders. The only way to do this is by having analytics.
  • Honest- Most products show you a guide and a list of products to purchase to give you the same great result that particular individual achieved. You won’t need anything else, Guaranteed.
  • Guaranteed- Jason is so confident, that he will give you a full refund if you’re unsatisfied.
  • Experience – Same people who created Swoopo Analytics and the Swoopo Manual. Enough said.

Final Verdict

It’s the end of my Beezid Pro review and I hope I provided enough critique for you to make your decision. It’s important to get an in depth look before jumping into anything. The reason I buy from Amazon and Ebay is because my friends gave me a positive critique. Even though no product is perfect, the positives definitely outweigh the negatives on Beezid Pro. More Info, wiser choices, more mids saved, and more auctions to win, that is how I describe Beezid Pro.
Thanks for reading my review,

Beezid Pro Logo

Try It Now

Bid Ninja Review

Penny Auction Bidding Software

 Bid-Ninja Review

I just love It's kind of a controversial site, but if you are a bit clever you can make literally amazing deals here. I just hate the countdowns. They're always so fast, I never can follow them.

For a few months now, I've been looking for a way to get around this. Been looking for a method, system can prove successful at any given Quibids auction. And recently, I think I found this method.

It is called Bid-Ninja. It's simple, but very thorough and highly effective web browser extension you can apply in your own web browser. You don't even have to download and install any crazy program on your PC or Mac! It's that simple. After that, you can input simple values and parameters which will track any auction of your choosing and make sure you can buy your product at the ridiculously low prices Quibids offer.

Literally 15 min. ago, I purchased a Dyson ventilator, not even paying a 10th of the price my local electronics store offered me. As of right now, with this purchase,  I already saved the money I spend on Bid-Ninja!!

At first, I was really skeptic about service of Bid-Ninja. after a bit of reading on their website, I found out they had a direct customer service and an e-mail address where you can ask any question. they even have support  which allows you to suggest any kind of module the creators can add in future versions for optimization of their program. I have to say, I respect this kind of dedication to their community.



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